
Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Challenge Day 4: Meet the 'Rents

Let's start off with some history on these two. They met in high school on a ski trip between their two schools.

Time out.
They lived in the same neighborhood about a half mile apart. Even in the same floor plan. But, my dad went to one high school, my mom went to another one on the other side of the neighborhood in another district. Really? Weird. I know.
Time in.
 The irony about them meeting on a ski trip? I've never been skiing.

These two crazy kids decided to get married when my dad was 19 and my mom was three weeks shy of 19. They were babies! But they had already been together for over a year. They then kicked it as newlyweds and old married people for six years before I was born. Of course, I was the light of their life. I mean, who could resist, right?

When I was 12, they got divorced. Blessing, really. I have gotten to know my parents as individuals. Not to mention survive middle school living between two houses. I think that set me up to get along with a lot of people in the long run.

When I was 14, my dad got the wild hair up his ass to marry someone who I despised. I couldn't put too fine a point on it at the time, but I just did not like the woman. No one liked her. Except herself, her mom, and my dad. Her daughter even had a tough time with liking her.

What's awesome is that my dad saw the error of his ways and left her. That's when he met Sharon. She's awesome. She fits into our family, makes my dad happy, and makes him live life. In short, I dig her. Sharon's originally from Michigan, where they live now. Although the Great White (Frozen) North is not my ideal vacation spot, I like to visit when I can.

Now that we're done with the history lesson, let's move onto statistics.

Mom's Tale of the Tape
Name: Sandra (a/k/a Sandy, MOM!, Mama, Mother)
Birthday: October 31
Sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Compliance & Control
Favorite Things: Naps. Diet soda. Naps. Denver Bronco football. Naps.

Mom taught me how to make napping an Olympic sport. We're really good at it. Power naps or something all afternoon. She's worked for Pepsi for over 30 years. Seriously. Started as a cashier and now she does something with cash. She's an awesome mom and someone that I know I can always depend on. We obviously get along really well because I still live at home. I have become accustomed to a lifestyle and I would rather live at home than be poor and further in debt.

Dad's Tale of the Tape
Name: Phillip (a/k/a Phil, Dad, Daddio, Father.)
Birthday: February 12
Sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Something with sales or consulting or something....not too sure.
Favorite Things: Yard work. House projects. Cafe World. Electronics and gadgets.

My dad is a techno-weenie. He loves to find the latest and greatest in gadgetry. He will research and then find the best deal possible. He also has the best looking yard on the block. Regardless of watering restrictions. He makes it work. He's also very handy. He's not the "I'll get a drywall screw to fix the dining room table" type, but the let's make this nice and functional. I have many memories of hanging out in his shop on the weekends as his helper. Some days that was a little begrudged, but whatever. I know how to use tools. And construct things. Boo yeah. I don't get his obsession with Cafe World just like I don't get people and Farmville. To each their own.

Sharon's Tale of the Tape 
Name: Sharon (a/k/a Step Mom)
Birthday: August 5
Sign: Leo
Occupation: Radio Management...I think...she just started back up.
Favorite Things: Beaches. Golf. A great sale. Decorating.

Not that Sharon had a whole lot to live up to after my dad's second wife, but she blasts my best expectations out of the water. She is easy going, can make a home look like Better Homes without the price tag, she's funny, dedicated, loyal, awesome mom (She's got three kids and a grandson...but that's a post for Day 5). Basically, she's my dad's lobster.

The 'rents and me in December 2004...somehow my mom can escape my camera lense. This is the most recent pic and doesn't look that much like her now...but then neither do I or my dad.
Me with my dad back in 1983
Sharon, me, and my dad at their wedding in June 2009
My three Uncle Brian (Dad's lifetime BFF - seriously, for over 45 years), my dad (I didn't fall far from that tree), and my Uncle Larry (He's my godfather and my dad's friend from high school...although then, Larry was more Chong than a jock like my dad.)

Me and Sharon at Christmas 2009

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