
Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Not Right But It's Okay

That title's from Ms. Houston, but thought it was appropriate since I have been more than scarce as of late. (Aside from my cable-lacking inspired post from last night.)

Some of you may be wondering what I've been up to, some of you could care less, some of you could think, "Oh lawd, she's back." However you slice it, I was indisposed from the blogging world, twitter, the book of face, life, liberty, and the pursuit of boys.

To start, I started a new job. That's always hard, but pulling some 10-12 hour days your first week makes for a little of stress. Add to that needing to find a place to live on a budget that is half of what you're currently accustomed to, and you'd have me. Going to bed before 9PM and up before 6AM.

I do love the job. The work is varied, the people are great, and I actually use my Masters. Well, it may not seem like it at time when I'm affixing labels to files, but truly I am creating and implementing a Document Management System. There, that's also what my Masters gets me: positive spins.

I have come up for air and only have about 9 hour days the second week, but I have gotten into the swing of things, found my groove, and know that it will only get easier.

But I still need to find a place to live. Which is a blog post altogether. (Side note: I'm also taking donations for my rent...)

Later this week, I will tell of my farewell from the DC Gravy Train. It involves the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, so there's some enticement.

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