Through my trusty all-things-blogging source of Shannon at Life After I "Dew", I found this little link up hosted by Jenn and honestly, it puts my post into categories. Love it.
See also: lazy.
Current Book(s):
Right meow, I'm reading
Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. It's historical fiction about World War I. I need to look at wikipedia while I read to follow along in the geography, but I like it. I might switch over to
Jeneration X for the holiday weekend because it's not as depressing as war. Oh, and you know, I'm thisclose to being BFFs with
Jen Lancaster.
Exhibit A |
Current Playlist:
Aside from the obvious Pandora usage, my "playlist" that I'm listening to is the last five songs I downloaded from iTunes. I have no shame.
- Dancing On My Own - Robyn
- Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
- Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
- Somebody I Used to Know - Gotye
- Springsteen - Eric Church
Current Color:
Since I'm obsessed with getting settled into the new place, I am getting my colors together for window/exterior door coverings (I'll explain later) and paint. Here's Colorado Gray that I was talking about yesterday:
Current Food:
Since having frosting for dinner was such a big hit with people, I'm going to let you in on my favorite jars since of course my mom's homemade (gluten-filled) is clearly the best, but unattainable.
Current Favorite Shows:
Love me some GCB, but since they've cancelled it, I'm going with my good ol' standby of Real Housewives. All of them.
Current Needs:
Of course I would prefer to have no needs, but really, I need the a trip to a beach all-inclusive and all expenses paid.
Current Banes of Existence:
The alarm. Really, getting up at a certain time is a pain in my ass.
Current Celebrity Crush:
Christian Grey? You're welcome. |
Current #1 Blessing
Everything. Let's be honest. Everything I ever complain about is a #firstworldproblem.
Current Indulgence:
See "Current Food". 'Nuff said.
Current Outfit:
Leggings, t-shirt, wrap. Don't worry, I have a skirt for when I see the boss.
Current Excitement:
Chicago! Next weekend, I'm off to the Second City to see and celebrate the impending nuptials of one of my best friends, Kristin!! Bachelorette party mode.
Current Mood:
Motivated. I need this day to chug along. I've got lots I want to do that does NOT involve working.
Current Favorite Quote:
Current Wish List Item:
Interior Decorator. I mean, I'm all for being crafty, upcycling, and DIYing, but damn, I sometimes I wish someone would do it for me.
Current Favorite Product:
If your thighs clap for you while running and you live in a place where the humidity is so thick you don't sweat, you're soaked, then this, my friend, is your new best friend. No baby powder, no shorts under dresses, just some Body Glide to keep you from heat rash and chaffing.