But that's a rabbit hole for therapy, not my blog. I digress.
Granted, I also studied marketing in college, so I get it. There are tips and tricks to make consumers buy your goods. Although I haven't figured out Target's. That place must pump a mix of meth and heroin into their store because, without fail, I managed to load up my cart. Every. Single. Time.
Again, I digress.
Marketing, sales, I get it.
Here's where rubber meets the road: I dream about it.
Even though I'm not in a marketing or sales role anymore, although I believe those also entail herding cats which is part of my job now, I still look at campaigns, pricing, product placement, etc. For example, my cousin complained about the K-Mart commercial that played The Lights because it got stuck in her head. That's a genius - albeit evil genius - campaign because she remembered that it was a K-Mart. I tweeted that whenever I hear an instrumental version of Carol of the Bells, I get "Give a, give a, give a Garmin" with the ending of "Garmin dot com. Garmin dot com." Now that, is true marketing genius. I not only think about giving a Garmin, I repeat the website.
So anyway, about my dream.
The setting: A conference room with dry erase boards about.
The people: Me and a half dozen indiscriminate faces.
The topic: Meeting about Cinnabon cinnamon rolls.
Yes. I dreamt about being in a marketing Cinnabon gender roles. The guy leading the meeting said, "So, if the cinnamon roll is the father figure, how can we draw in the mother?"
Here's where I come in: "The frosting. It's warm, the best part, and it smothers everything."
Yes. I likened a mother to frosting because it smothers.
I'm amazing.
Oh, and just as my alarm was going off, the rest of the indiscriminate faces were giving me accolades for my brilliance.

Hahaha I totally am the same way - as in looking at everything with that critical eye. I LOVE your Hsmothers everything" ha